What are the changes that I made to the data analysis tool box and why?
In the class, this week my class and I edited our data analysis toolboxes based on our teacher comments and our previous toolbox. I noticed the level of the other toolbox and realized mine needed a lot of work.
The first thing that I changed about my data analysis toolbox is data part of the toolbox. The teacher suggested that I added more detail to this section of the toolbox. I added the names of all the Head Starts that I will be collecting data at. I had to delete the Grand Isle Head Start because there are transportation issues. I will have to call them instead of collecting the data myself. I made to changes to add clarity to this part of the toolbox. It really makes it easy for me know what question I am answering and why I am collecting the data.
One of the major parts that I changed in the data analysis toolbox is the grap
hs part. I added why each graphs was the best to use, what are they going to be used for, and some I added what they are. For example, “The box plot is used to show the spread of the data and the five number summaries. It would be easy to compare the centers’ performance by comparing the box plots. The box plot would show the minimum, maximum, median, first and third quartile. The box plot would also show the outliers that are in the sample.” This is an important addition to the toolbox because would help me with the comparison. Also, I know exactly why each graph is used.
The last thing I changed is the numerical summaries portion of the toolbox. One of the major additions is the two-sample hypothesis t-test. I added that because I need to compare the West bank and East bank. I also choose the t-test because I do not know the population standard deviation. I also added why the other numerical summaries would be used.